In this Italian learning podcast I explain a series of words and phrases that will help you expand your vocabulary and speak fluent Italian.
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Hi, everybody! I'm Luca and this video is aimed at those amazing people who are learning Italian.
In this video I'm going to explain the meaning of a number of Italian words and phrases taking inspiration from this object. To put it differently, I wanted to explain a series of words related to this object.
Before I start, I want to point out, but in all likelihood you have ve already noticed it, that I got a microphone.
In the past some people suggested that I got a microphone. As you can see, I finally got it.
I always listen to constructive advice and criticism. So please let me know in the comments below if you do find that this video is definitely better compared to others with respect to audio quality. In other words, please let me know if you notice a significant improvement with respect to the audio.
But let's go back to our object!
Ok. You might be wondering what this object is. Especially because it has a rather peculiar shape.
Well, this is a perfume. Specifically, this is called "una boccetta di profumo".
Normally, to refer to objects filled with perfume, that is, perfume containers, we use the word "boccetta". So this one is called in Italian "una boccetta di profumo".
Alternatively, we could also use the word "bottiglietta", which is diminutive of "bottiglia". There are some people who indeed say "bottiglietta di profumo".
So we can say "boccetta di profumo" or "bottiglietta di profumo". So you can use both nouns, either the noun "boccetta" or the noun "bottiglietta".
Thing is, this perfume bottle has a rather peculiar shape.
Usually - well, just to be clear, perfume bottles typically have such shape. This is a more typical shape for a perfume bottle.In actual fact, for this video I intentionally chose this object for two reasons.
The first reason is that this is my favourite perfume.
The second reason is that this perfume, this bottle, will allow us to review several Italian words.
Like I said, this bottle has a peculiar shape.
Why does it have such a peculiar shape, which is not clear what it is, why such shape?
Because this bottle is supposed to look like "una pigna".
Whad does (the noun) "pigna" mean?
"La pigna" is one of those thingies hanging on a pinetree.
"Il pino" is a type of tree. So "pino" is singular, the plural is "pini". You surely know the noun "pino". So: "il pino" (singular) "i pini" (plural).
On pine trees grow "le pigne".
Inside "le pigne" you can find "i pinoli". Well, "i pinoli" can be eaten. The singular of the noun "pinoli" is "pinolo". So: "un pinolo", "dei pinoli". You may not know the noun "pinolo". In any case: "pinolo", "pinoli".
Pinecones can't be eaten. You probably don't know the noun "pigna". In any case, the singular form is "pigna", the plural is "pigne".
So, to recap: The tree is called "pino" "il pino", "i pini". That thingy hanging on pine trees is called "pigna". So: "la pigna" (singular) "le pigne" (plural). Those fruits, I don't even know if "fruits" is the right word, inside each pinecone are called "pinoli". So: "un pinolo", "dei pinoli".
Someone could argue that this bottle is not that similar to a pinecone. But that was the intention. This bottle is supposed to look like a pinecone. So we can say "è a forma di pigna". We can say that this is a perfume bottle "a forma di pigna".
Can we say "È una pigna"?
No, we can't say "È una pigna", because it's not a pinecone, it looks like a pinecone.
Why does this bottle look like a pinecone?
Because this perfume brand name is "Pino silvestre".
"Il pino" refers to the tree, while "silvestre" is an adjective. Specifically, "silvestre" is the adjective related to the noun "selva". So "silvestre" means: related to woods or forests.
Well, let's say that "silvestre" is an adjective related to the word "foresta". You surely know the noun "foresta", so I don't need to explain to you what the word "foresta" means.
Basically, in Italian we have two different words.
One is "foresta" (singular), the plural is "foreste".
In addition to that, we also have the word "bosco": the singular is "bosco" and the plural is "boschi".
Well, that's it!
I hope this video helped you learn new Italian words.
If you feel like it, in the comments below please let me know if you knew all the phrases and words I discussed in this video.
Please also let me know what you think about this format and what you think about my microphone. I would really like to know if the audio quality did actually improve.
In the top corner I'll add a card to another video that you might wanna watch, if you want to expand your vocabulary. Check it out!
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