In this video lesson I explain a number of words and phrases that will help you expand your Italian vocabulary and speak Italian like a native.
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Here I have another "alimentatore" or "caricabatterie". In this case it's white. The first one that I showed you was black. This one is white.
There's also another important difference, because this phone charger is made up of two parts that can be split. I can do this... (noise) ...and separate this part here.
What is this part called?
It is referred to as "cavo USB". You surely know what a "cavo USB" is.
In Italian we pronounce this phrase like so: u - esse - bi. It's an acronym. In Italian you should pronounce it like so: /cavo u - esse - bi/.
Or: "cavetto u-esse-bi". In particular, if the cable is short, we call it "cavetto USB".
Here you have "l'attacco", "l'attacco USB", which should be plugged into the computer "presa" or "uscita USB". Basically, this charger consists of a USB cable and a part representing the body of the charger.
If you want, you could also use this cable to connect the phone to a computer. If I plug this part, I can connect the cable to the electrical system. Without this part, I can connect the cable to a computer.
Since we talked about electrical cables, here I also have another object.
What is this called in Italian?
This is called "cuffia". Technically speaking, they should be called "cuffie", I mean, I should say "sono delle cuffie". Because in theory this noun is plural. You can either say "cuffie" (plural) or "cuffia" (singular).
See?! This is called "cuffia". This is called "il cavo della cuffia".
What colour is this "cuffia"?
I don't know, that's a good question! Honestly, I think that in Italian this colour is called "fucsia". Or "rosa brillante". I have no clue. You should probably call it either "fucsia" or "rosa brillante".
I mean, it's not that I don't know this colour's name. I would call it "fucsia". But I know that this is one of those problematic colours, I mean, some people use a certain word for it, whereas other people use a different word.
In any case, this is the headphones cable, while this one is called "la spina delle cuffie". To refer to this type of plug, many people use the word "spinotto". Because it's small.
What verbs can we use, if we want to say that you should connect this to something?
I would use the verb "infilare". I'd say: "Infilare lo spinotto nell'uscita per le cuffie".
See here?! At some point of the cable you can find this thingy here. And here you have this small device which is used to adjust the volume.
What is this? What do we call this small device in Italian?
I would call it "una rotellina". Meaning a small "ruota". You surely know the noun "ruota". "Rotellina" is diminutive of "ruota".
What verb do we use with the noun "rotellina"?
"Ruotare" or "far ruotare". I would say that in colloquial Italian people prefer to say "girare", "far girare", "far girare la rotellina". So, well, I suggest that you say "girare la rotellina" and not "ruotare la rotellina". Also because the phrase "ruotare la rotellina" is a repetition.
These are the headphones' brothers, that is "gli auricolari". What's the difference? Well, headphones are larger. These ones are called "auricolari".
I would say that that the noun "auricolari" is used almost exclusively in the plural form. Nobody says "l'auricolare" (singular).
Why are they called "auricolari"? Because you plug them into your ears.
Be careful: don't make this mistake. Don't say "orecchi". In today's standard Italian you should say "un orecchio" "delle orecchie". Specifically.... In standard Italian we say "orecchio" (singular) and "orecchie" (plural). The plural form of the noun "orecchio" is "orecchie".
Similarly, you surely know that the plural of the noun "ginocchio" is "ginocchia". "Il ginocchio, le ginocchia".
These nouns are rather peculiar in that they have a masculine singular form and a feminine plural form.
Another example of these nouns is "il braccio", "il braccio", "le braccia". Well, the noun "il braccio" also has a masculine plural form which has a different meaning.
When talking about body parts: il braccio, le braccia; l'orecchio, le orecchie; il ginocchio, le ginocchia.
Well, whatever! That is it!
I hope this lesson helped you learn something new about the Italian language that you didn't know.
In the top corner I'll add a link to another video that I made and that could help you expand your vocabulary. If your goal is to learn Italian well, check it out!
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