How to become FLUENT IN 3 MONTHS

Interview with world-famous polyglot who shares his unconventional language learning tips and tricks.

I interview a language learning expert who shares a number of tips to become fluent in 3 months.

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Some people asked me if it's possible to learn Italian in 3 months.

Specifically, they asked me if in three months one can reach a good level and speak Italian naturally and fluently. In other words, they asked me if, as the English say, you can become fluent in three months.

In addition to that, some people also asked me if 90 days are enough to reach the advanced level in Italian, meaning the level C1.

But, in general, the question I'm asked most is this:

Can you become fluent in three months?

If you use the right approach, can you learn a foreign language in 3 months?

If one uses the right approach, can they become fluent in 3 months?

According to many experts, 90 days are not enough to learn a language so that you can speak it naturally.

According to some world-famous polyglots, though, in 3 months one can learn a foreign language... - it's not "learn", it's "become fluent". Ok.

According to some world-famous polyglots, though, in 3 months you can get fluent in a foreign language and speak it naturally. The most important thing is to use the right approach.

Therefore, according to these polyglots, it's not that one cannot learn a foreign language in three months. Thing is, many people use the wrong approach.

In the past I had the honour of talking to the number one expert in quarterly language learning and I asked him to shoot a short clip for my channel.

And I'm glad to inform you that this person accepted!

What follows is not an interview in the strictest sense, because I asked this illustrious polyglot to record a short video explaining how to become fluent in 3 months.

His tips apply to the learning of all foreign languages, including Italian.

So, if you want to find out how to learn Italian fast, keep watching!

You will be hearing the tips of the world's top expert in the quarterly learning of foreign languages!

It's time to give the floor to Scammy, the Irish Scammyglot!


Hi, Luca! First of all, thank you for asking me to make this video.

When I read your message, I decided to accept right off the bat, because, as you know, the most important thing for me is to help others learn foreign languages.

I said to myself: "I guess I won't be earning anything from this video, but it doesn't matter".

In the end, my main goal, as you well know, it's not to get rich, but to explain to others how to become fluent in three months.

Some years ago I came to the conclusion that foreign languages are taught the wrong way (at school, university, and language courses).

From that moment on, I started creating content and methods that make it possible for everyone to become fluent in 90 days.

My methods, as you well know, had an inter-polygloctic success.

In this video, I would like to share my wisdom and give tremendously helpful tips, which aren't typically given in language classes.

This is a light bulb. When I hold it in my hand, I come up with brilliant ideas and find out absolutely shocking things about the process of learning a foreign language.

More specifically, this light bulb helped me develop a system that makes it possible for everybody, and I do mean everybody, to learn a foreign language in as little as 90 days.

Some years ago, as some of you may recall, I personally tested my program.

My goal was to reach the level C1 in Mandarine Chinese in just three months.

Using my system, I miserably failed, and for this reason I decided to sell a program called "Hyper fluent in 3 months". Thanks to my program, other people too will be able to fail in 3 months.

As you know, I've always been motivated by humanitarian spirit - not by naked greed. At the end of the day, I have always liked helping others, and for me it's not fair if someone keeps their wisdom to themselves.

If someone has come up with a method for not learning a language in three months, they should share it with the world. I for one didn't reach the level C1 in Mandarine Chinese in 3 months (to be honest, I didn't reach it in 12 years either) and therefore it seems fair to me that I sell a program for doing the same.

Thing is, many researchers and language instructors have a skewed perception of the word "fluent" and of what people mean by "speaking a language fluently".

In my opinion, to fluently speak a foreign language, you don't need to talk sense, you don't need to understand what you are saying, and, most importantly, you don't need to understand what the other speaker is saying.

One can easily speak fluently without understanding what they are saying and without understanding what others are saying.

The important thing is to pronounce sounds naturally, that is, with no unnatural pauses. The sounds that come out of your mouth should be like a coursing river.

It's not important that the other person understands what you say. The important thing is that you start speaking right away, from day one, wasting no time in trying to understand the meaning of what you say.

Because, let's be honest: at the end of the day, if someone really wants to know what you meant, this person can easily access the Internet and use Google Translate.

To be honest, though, and you know better than I, people are usually not interested in what you say. Most of the time, people just pretend to be listening.

So what's the point of wasting time in trying to talk sense? (question mark)?

Well, I think that this is the main problem.

Many people think that it's impossible to become fluent in three months, because they give meaning too much importance. These people fail to understand that, in the end, you just need to pronounce random sounds naturally.

Because in any case, most of the time, the other person, the other speaker, isn't even listening to you and so they can't even realize that you are talking nonsense.

Alright! I'm gonna end this video here, otherwise it will become too long.

I wish everybody a Merry Polyglotism!


Well, I hope you liked this video!

I thank Scammy on behalf of all polyglots and foreign language enthusiasts for his mind-boggling tips.

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